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It seems that the ANC has shelved the Protection of Information Bill, which is more commonly known by most people as the Secrecy Bill and one can only hope that this is a permanent decision. Anything that compromises media freedom is not desirable in a young democracy, and is really not necessary or a good idea. Potential whistle blowers need to have some protection in the form of a defence based around revealing information in the public interest, and quite frankly no ruling government party needs to protect themselves against what may be rogue elements in their ranks, who break laws and who need to be reported to the media. Media plays an important watchdog role, and as I have stressed before, I don’t think our media is strong enough in the first place, compared to the British media, and that is without bringing in such a law.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 29-Sep-11
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Lucretia said:
on Tuesday 04-Oct-11 08:56 AM
Let's hope this IS permanent and does not have the government running to change it when things get "too hot under the colar". If it is permanent, then it is democracy in its truest form.
Jessica said:
on Monday 03-Oct-11 09:00 AM
They say they want to get rid of all the corruption, this is actually the best way of doing it, let the people in the media advise the tax payers on how the government is using and running our country, I bet that will also help with crime! When they were doing the debate this year the ANC couldn't answer how R 800 000 000.00 is unaccounted for. Very scary stuff.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!