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Armoured trucks, guns and shopping centres

The best way for me to get nervous at a shopping centre is to suddenly find an armoured truck, together with its guards, between myself and my destination. One never feels comfortable around guns, and when it is guards carrying automatic weapons and wheeling out bags, presumably filled with cash, one gets extremely nervous.

I do see that heists seem to be considerably down recently, but I do wish that banks and jewellers and all people that deal with the security companies could try and arrange these drop-offs either earlier or later than they do, perhaps even when the traffic is gridlocked and it makes it harder for criminals to get away, but just before the stores actually open or just after they actually close. That way a lot less members of the public will be put at risk of an injury at a potential shootout.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 28-Oct-11 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Brenda  said:
on Wednesday 02-Nov-11 10:03 AM
I have the same fear when i see those trucks, often when i go to the shops, i see those vans and i must admit that i would much rather turn around and go to another shop than stick around.

However, i must point out that gridlocked traffic does not stop an armed robber. Just recently a man was hijacked and killed in the middle of the highway in peak hour traffic. The fact of the matter remains, if they want something they will do whatever it takes to get it, and they know that people are too scared to do anything about it. It's scary, but it's the truth.

Genevieve  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 04:40 PM
I agree. My fear is only because of all the "mistakes" that have happened when a gun is somehow in the picture. Some people that have guns have no idea how they are meant to be used and what if an innocent party gets shot and killed. People are not trained to use them. But I guess when you're a criminal, you don't really care about mankind?

cherise  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 12:20 PM
I definitely agree 100% . i hate the fact that they always delivering money during peak hours, it is such a risk to others dealing with large amounts of money and guns all at the same time.

i think that is a brilliant idea for them to find reasonable times to do such a high risk job around us.

Lucretia  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:53 AM
The one thing that puzzles me more than anything else is, why do they mark the vans so. Why not go undercover. The vans are so well known by all that i believe they become targets. Would anyone pay any attention to an ordinary looking person walking to an ordinary car. But no, we have to show all-and-sundry exactly who is coming in or going out with oodles of cash.

Lorette  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:46 AM
I hate these trucks!!! I used to do waiter work when I was still in school and it so happended that the place got robbed when I was there!! I don't know why they wait for the robbers to first shoot before they hand over the money - luckily no one was injured!

elaine  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:44 AM
i think we are all in agreement here,doesn't matter if there at a shopping centre,or even on the road near you,they make people very nervous and i agree they should not be doing this during peak time where there are hundreds of inocent people around them!

Nicolle  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:39 AM
Whenever I see the armoured guards at the Petrol station (Considering that they are probably filling up the various ATMs) I always feel like I'm being suspected . . It's always awkward when you are there just minding your own business and these generally big guys with big guns give you the "if you come near me, I will shoot to kill look" lol I'm just saying . . .

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:35 AM
I always get nervous around these vans especially when its really unavoidable to be behind or near them. I agree, I really think they should do it in the evening or early mornings. They need to realise and consider the fact that the public shouldnt have to be at risk for these things.

Lizanne  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:32 AM
It is quite nerve wrecking. The thing is, how would anyone ever know if one of the guards isn't the actual criminal standing there carrying an automatic weapon! Know one can be trusted these days.

Ting  said:
on Tuesday 01-Nov-11 08:21 AM
I also get nervous when I see armoured trucks in parking lots of shopping malls. I try to avoid and rather enter another entrance or something. But we must also be careful with smash and grab, I usually keep a sharp scissors in the car by the door and when (God forbid) this sutuation comes my way at least I'll have a 'weapon' as protection.


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