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Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
Telkom, about a year after I left them, because they would not release such a product, had finally released uncapped ADSL. I think that they made a tremendous mistake in taking so long to release it and they lost a considerable number of their clients to MWeb in that time and also, after they said they would never do it, and have now done it, affects their credibility.
Rumours are that the reason they brought an uncapped ADSL is that they plan to launch video on demand services next year and allegedly they are in discussions with local and foreign content providers. Obviously, the big role player in America is Netflix, but clearly this is what type of service they have in mind.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 25-Oct-11
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Gareth said:
on Wednesday 26-Oct-11 03:58 PM
Video on demand will sure beat having to download and store all your content
Angelique said:
on Wednesday 26-Oct-11 01:59 PM
I highly doubt that this will make a difference as Telkom and its internet is just useless!
David said:
on Wednesday 26-Oct-11 01:57 PM
DAMN!!! I just took up there offer of 3 months free, plus modem on a 1meg line - 3 gigs international and 9 gigs local for a couple of hundred a month. Guess i'm stuck for the next 2 years... Although the offering on a 4 meg line is not bad: 9 gigs international and 30 gigs local for approx R500 a month.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!