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I was personally very happy with the Malema decision. After The Star reported, with all that wealth of evidence as to his various statements, that he would be suspended for only 1 year, I was quite worried, but 5 years seemed more appropriate. He may of course appeal, but listening to the judgment, it really seemed a comprehensive case and at the end of the day I think he has no prospect of success at all on appeal.
No doubt we will hear more, in time, of the other investigations going on, and I would personally be surprised if he ever re-emerges as a force in our politics of any significance.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 11-Nov-11
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Dune said:
on Friday 25-Nov-11 11:21 AM
We definitely have not heard the last of Julius Malema. I am happy with the decision, but the question is was that enough? After all he defied the trust of our ruling party, disgraced our country, guilty of hate speech and the list of crimes agains JM just goes on!
Lorette said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 03:46 PM
I have to agree with Bianca, I think he will be back!
Bianca said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 11:30 AM
I personally feel that he will be back, it wont last I dont think.
He disgusts me and I really hope that we have seen the last of him. If the ANC have any sense they will never put him in a position of power again.
Angelique said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 09:25 AM
I must agree, I have no trust in our justice system. I wouldnt be suprised if he appeals and gets 1 year all of a sudden. I just think this is just a show, the whole 5 year thing is to keep us happy! Thats all it is... This is Julius Malema we speaking about, the man can get out of anything! I hope its not just a show honestly but lets be honest!!
Nicky said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:59 AM
Malema is extremely arroganant, not only does he create division within the public, but within his "own" party as well-disgusting.Finally, something to prove to him and his supporters that he's not invincible.
Jessica said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:59 AM
I was very happy to hear the sentence, I am however worried because I know he will get that appeal and be back again. But if he doesn't he will probably start his own party if he doesn't get his way.
Brenda said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:53 AM
I am a bit worried of Rioters now. A lot of his "followers" are clearly not happy with the judgment, so what stops them now from going on a full on riot!
I really love my country and there are a lot of positive things about South Africa, but we are coming to a point now, where we seriously live in fear, even more so than before.
Whilst i am very pleased Julius Malema received a 5 year suspension, i also fear what he has up his sleeve to cause more destruction.
Candice said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:48 AM
This is not the end of Juju I think he will immerge from it all and claim his supposedly rightful place as a comrade(fighting the struggle). Our country has over come so many challenges. I hope that our goverment will acknowledge the good changes and up hold it.
Joyce said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:41 AM
good decision, bit worried that he still has a chance to apeal
Bernadette said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:39 AM
I have very happy about the outcome but I am sure that in less than a year it will be overturned and he will be back to where he is now.
Henrietta said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:39 AM
FINALLY the ANC decided to do something about Malema. Just didn't like him from the beginning! He is Trouble spelled with a capital T!
Genevieve said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:36 AM
Can we really "celebrate" his suspension? I am saynig this, because it is all sunshine and roses in the beginning and then they give in, and it all goes back to normal. I honestly think that the ANC should think about letting go of him, because like Lucretia said he is a very conniving man.
Cherise said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:32 AM
I must admit i have no trust in our justice system and personally feel once everything calms down, in a year or so-he will be re-appointed to "something" within the ANC. They are ALL corrupt and the fact that he can appeal makes no sense to me.
Well i suppose we should be gratefull that atleast some form off action has been taken on Mr Malema.
Simone said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:31 AM
This guy really disgusts me and I think he deserves much worse than a 5 year suspension.
Ting said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:29 AM
I am happy with the sentence and he IS going to appeal on the finding and sentence. I heard on the news this morning that he has this weekend with the ANC top leaders to organize a 'come back'. I doubt this will be successful but maybe reduced sentence.
Gareth said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:29 AM
Its not over, it might all have been a show?
Daniela said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:26 AM
It is great that a 5 year suspension was imposed on Malema.
After the appeal it will most probably be lessened to 2 years, but even then he will be too old to head ANCYL.
Luckily, regardless of weather the suspension is reduced, he won't be let off the hook completely as the ANC would be losing face doing such a ridiculous thing.
A lot of South African's saying it's too good to be true.
Lucretia said:
on Friday 11-Nov-11 08:26 AM
I don't think we have heard the last of JM. This is a conniving man and, I really feel he is one the ANC need to watch out for.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!