Attorney Michael de Broglio on: South Africa, Law, Politics, Attorneys, Sport, Photography, Technology, Gadgets, Media, Crime, Road Accidents Fund,
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I was staggered to hear some statistics on the radio recently that the average South African drinks a bakkie load of alcohol a year! Forget about what that does to your brain, the effect on the waist must be staggering! Apparently one-third of the people in the country starts drinking on a Friday afternoon and keeps drinking the entire weekend, only stopping on Monday morning. It is really frightening to hear such horrifying statistics, and I can only assume that it is down to the high unemployment rate, and the weak economy, because it is tragically sad that so many people could be abusing a substance so badly when there are so many organisations that exist to help out those with alcoholic problems.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 14-Nov-11
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Lucretia said:
on Tuesday 15-Nov-11 10:36 AM
The problem is a lot worse than one thinks. I used to do voluntary work at a Drugs and Alcohol Centre and the amount of young people who turn to alcohol to solve their problems is outrageous. Why do these youngsters think a bottle holds all the answers. Another thing, we have one of the highest divorce rates - look at how big a portion alcohol is the leading factor.....
Nadia said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 02:50 PM
Therefore 1/3 of all the road users are still over the legal limit when going to work on Monday....
cherise said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 01:20 PM
I have also seen for myself that being in the social environment almost every weekend, that most people abuse alcohol when they are in a club environment and with their friends. like it is the "In Thing" to be waisted.
People should really stop and think what alcohol does to their bodies and how it will affect them in the long run.
a bakkie load wow! im taken back
Angelique said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 01:14 PM
I dont think people really see weekend binging as a problem when in actual fact it really is. Its a waste of money but I guess everyone is entitled to spend their money how they wish to. Its funny because you always see hobo's extremely wasted and wonder where they get the money for it.
Nicolle said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 12:50 PM
"South Africans are among the top 10 consumers of alcohol globally.”
Kaylene said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 12:46 PM
Well i guess that's one of the reasons why South Africa has one of the highest obesity rate.
Robyn said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 12:45 PM
David and I seem to be in the same boat.
Brumilde said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 12:39 PM
Maybe we should look more at who is doing the drinking. What are the age of the people drinking?Are they situated more in small towns or cities. i know i come from a small town and with little entertainmed around you resort to such things.
David said:
on Monday 14-Nov-11 12:37 PM
i appear to be letting the team down. i don't drink nearly that much.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!