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Julius Malema’s appeal is going to be heard shortly, giving the newspapers plenty to write about, and keeping everybody busy. I don’t believe that it has much prospect for success, but Court decisions recently have had some surprises, and this may be another one of those. Perhaps his suspension may be reduced, from the five years to a more reasonable period like two or three years, but the way he is continuing to apparently organise disruptions of meetings and counter opponents in Limpopo would suggest to me that he is not going to be welcomed back with loving arms.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 18-Jan-12
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Catherine said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 04:55 PM
Personally, i think those are the last kicks of a dying horse.
Daniela said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 02:40 PM
“We are tired of a two-thirds majority. Our aim is a ‘three-thirds majority” - Julius 'Juju' Malema
cherise said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 02:13 PM
I honestly dislike this man so much and I hope for once our justice system is fair with their verdict. He is completely out of control and unconcerned about others, and the way his behaviour affects people that see him as a leader, not a good image to project to our youth- "The future Leaders" at all!
joyce said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 11:57 AM
I agree that even if his appeal succeeded he is not to be welcomed with loving warm arms due to his worst behaviour lately
Thabitha said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 09:30 AM
I don't think his suspension is going to be reduced, but with politics you will never know.
Lucretia said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 09:07 AM
I really think the media should stop following this mans actions or lack thereof and his popularity will die a slow death. By constantly brining him into the lime light is giving the youth a false sense of accomplishment. He has already dug his own grave, allow him to quietly climb into it and he will go away.
Robyn said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:57 AM
I really hope that Julius' reign dies down. He is really a negative influence on all he touches. Some people look up to him and they want to be like him one day. That is NOT a good thing. Just imagine.
Genevieve said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:54 AM
I think that anything said about Julius Malema will be taken up as a "racist" comment, but what people forget is that we were not even part of the apartheid era, and do not even believe in "black and white". He is not a good example for the youth, and I do not care whether he was pink, or blue, my opinion would have been the same. Also, if he doesn't get his way, what happens? The youth league strike and vandalise everything. What does that teach our youth?
Angelique said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:37 AM
Julius Malema killed himself seriously. I am glad that he wont be welcomed with loving arms. He is arrogant and thinks he can get away with anything... but like I said in my previous comment on another blog on him that 5 years suspension was just said to keep everyone happy.... I really wonder what it will be reduced to and can only imagine the havoc its about to create.
Alexis said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:30 AM
Oh Julius. I am so tired of his influence on the country. All he does is cause more issues than actually solve. I hope that people are becoming more wise to his nonsense and decide that we are better off without him!
Kaylene said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:17 AM
I agree fully with Julie, he is not leading the youth in any positive way. The youth of today is already corrupted.
Julie said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:05 AM
...and before anyone think this a "racist" comment - it is not. Malema is a YOUTH leader - and the youth today predicts our future and according to me, and thank God we have the freedom of speech, I cannot fathom how his negative influence can in any way have a positive result.
Julie said:
on Thursday 19-Jan-12 08:03 AM
Politicians nowadays seem to accomplish weird things. They also have the tendency to "replace" someone quite rapidly - regardless of the competency or the lack thereof. Hopefully Malema's reign and influence will die a sure and slow death and be forgotten soon.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!