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Facebook has announced its long awaited IPO, and I have given my opinion previously on its value – or lack thereof in my opinion – but I thought I would focus more on the privacy issues in this blog.
There is a real danger in the way Facebook operates, that people expose themselves to having all of their information readily seen by strangers or perhaps people that do not mean them any good. Most people are not very good at attending to the various privacy settings and Facebook makes it a lot harder by continually changing the look of the site, the layout and where everything is and so it needs quite a bit of time to actually get the settings right and if, for example, your setting is “Friends of friends” it means that anybody that you met, just once in a bar and agreed to add on Facebook, and all of their friends who you simply do not know to see all of your information. There is no much that can be gleaned from photographs, let alone the written information and very quickly a profile is built up of where you shop, where you typically go on the weekend, where you work and I don’t believe it is healthy that people are able to research you in depth.
It is even stranger when a company’s business model is basically to sell your private information to other companies and tell them that, for example, you are interested in movies, so they advertise movies to you on your profile and that of course is an innocuous example. I am quite sure at some stage there will be a backlash against a company making money out of your own private information and likes and dislikes.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 16-Feb-12
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Alexis said:
on Monday 20-Feb-12 08:33 AM
This is a risk efveryone takes when putting their information on the internet.
Kaylene said:
on Friday 17-Feb-12 04:54 PM
Its so unncessary to put in all that Info that facebook wants, people that really know you will know all the Info. If you add all these Info's you could be risking your safety as well, the are alot of maniacs out there. BE CAREFUL PEOPLE
Sundome said:
on Friday 17-Feb-12 11:59 AM
If you set your privacy settings then I'm sure it will be fine but there is still that someone might be able to get your info and "hack" your account.
Brenda said:
on Friday 17-Feb-12 08:42 AM
It is quite shocking that people are oblivious to what is going on in the world, and always have the mindset of, "it wont happen to me". The reality is, that there are psycho's out there who will gather up any information they can and when you look again, you are the victim.
We need to be so careful with what we put on facebook, or any social network for that matter.
Genevieve said:
on Friday 17-Feb-12 08:28 AM
The scary thing is some people do not see the threats in leaving their facebook account open to all to see. There is also so much bullying over facebook and there was a story last week where a teenager actually reacted to people calling her fat etc on facebook. Fraud can also occur due to your information being open.
elaine said:
on Friday 17-Feb-12 08:24 AM
that's why i dont have it and dont want it thank you!
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!