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I know that newspapers seem to try to sell copies by giving one depressing news – something that I don’t always think works. On the other hand, when there is a lot to reveal, they need to reveal it and recently there does not seem to be any end to the corruption and politics that we are seeing. People who are patently unsuited for positions seem to be appointed to them, and one is beginning to wonder if you can get ahead in the police force, in a senior position at least, if you don’t have a number of criminal charges against you already!
There is such a desire to appoint one’s followers, amongst politicians, and it is not something that only happens in our country, but there appears to be a total disregard as to their qualifications. It amazes me, when it is patently obvious that Julius Malema who has been living way beyond his means that it has taken so long for information to start leaking out as to how the money has been made by the various State tenders in the Limpopo Province, despite the fact that there had been rumours in the newspapers about this for years. Sometimes the wheels of justice really seem to move very slowly and the sooner he is called to explain the “donations” to his family trust apparently now approximating R7,5 million over three years, the better. I have no problem with somebody earning a massive salary, nor earning a massive salary and being in a leadership position, but you better make sure you are paying the same taxes as the rest of us and that the business is legitimate. If it is legitimate, you will not need donations from friends and family but you will be earning the profit yourself as a partner or shareholder in those companies. If there is a reason that you cannot be a partner or a shareholder, such as a conflict of interest, that is a good enough reason for you not getting “donations” either, for passing on or having in hand and making sure people will get it.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 28-May-12
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Robyn said:
on Thursday 31-May-12 01:16 PM
The fact of the matter is, if you're in power, you think you can do what you want. The backgrounds these people have are of poverty and now they're not poor anymore so now they take full advantage and they think it's all due to them because of the struggles they had to endure in the past. People will always take chances and try to get a bigger piece of the pie and do so illegally and hope they don't get caught.
on Monday 28-May-12 03:45 PM
We must not think that this is only happening in this era, i ready a book about the old apartheid era where it seems that the government was so honest as well. People in high power will always think they are above the law.
cherise said:
on Monday 28-May-12 02:58 PM
I must say I have to agree fully with your point of views. It is really absolute abuse that our leaders take when it comes to earning their money honestly and or paying what the rest of us need to (taxes).
Angelique said:
on Monday 28-May-12 02:35 PM
I fully agree! Although depressing news does get more people to read sometimes anyway! Its unfair that its not what you know, its who you know. If I recall correctly our president doesnt have a matric - that could be rumours but if its true then you can already see the 'unfairness' in that.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!