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I did not think I would enjoy a book about cooking, and I recently loved one, and I have to say that this show about restaurants is quite inspiring. Firstly, when I see Gordon Ramsay, and I think it is on the BBC channel, I realise that I am far too soft a boss because he really does tell the loafers and the waste of time people off.
More frighteningly is that after you see the show, you really realise that if you are cooking fresh ingredients at home in a clean kitchen, you are generally way better off than eating at almost any restaurant. I am sure most of our restaurants are not as terrible as what one sees in this particular show where rats, cockroaches, old food, off food, etc are all regular features, but I cannot help feeling that quite a few are. What I have learned, from watching the show, is that the key to everything is to keep it fresh and the time to start worrying is when a restaurant has too many options on its menu because they, just like attorneys cannot handle many different types of cases, are not good at many different cuisines and if one is trying to cater a little bit for everybody, then it is a restaurant that I certainly would avoid – not that I eat out that much. It is really a case of quality or rather stay at home.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 17-Nov-10
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!