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At a time of the year like this, when people tend to get a little irritable and sometimes perhaps a bit too demanding, it is always good to remind ourselves to remain polite and professional. I think every person is special in unique and different ways, and apart from the few who belong in prison for the rest of their lives, most people have a huge number of positive points.
It is important however, no matter how beautiful you think you are, or clever, or special, that we appreciate that we need to remain constant in our dealings with other people and treat them with respect and courtesy. I find, all too often, and especially when people are younger, that they tend to have a self-inflated self view, which revolves only around their needs and what they want and everything else is taken for granted. If that is not bad enough, some people even take that into adult life and continue their delusion!
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 08-Dec-11
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Henrietts said:
on Friday 09-Dec-11 09:15 AM
I agree every one is unique and special in different ways.
Don’t treat others the way you don’t want to be treated.
Genevieve said:
on Friday 09-Dec-11 08:35 AM
I think that everyone would agree that our comments was said in general, and yes, having manners is a completely different story.
Dune said:
on Friday 09-Dec-11 07:40 AM
I was brought up old school "as my parents are very old school". Be kind to those around you, help where you can, always try and smile. I must say sometimes its very difficult especially if the other person is so rude, I must admit if someone is rude to me I automatically get a moodswing and go into a bad mood. Thats definitely not the right way to react, you have to show that you are the better person, just give a smile, and most of the time that other person will think back, and realize "was it neccesary to be rude?", and at the end of the day they will feel bad "this only works if the other person has a conscience"!
elaine said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 04:42 PM
one should have respect for ones elders and one's parents that is the problem with most of the youth of today they have no respect nor manners with there dealings of the older generation,in my day you would have got a clout round the ear!! but i agree with your comments all people are special in there own different way, i have no time for people that think they are better or more beautiful than the next,
Catherine said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 03:51 PM
I agree with Bianca that even though respect is earned when it comes to elders, respect is automatically granted.
Personally l believe that the attitude with which one approaches another is the same attitude you get from the other party. It thus sets the tone to the conversation.
Nicky said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 03:20 PM
I also believe in "What you give is what you get".
We will however come across people that have an inflated ego and are nasty to people in order for them to boost their self-esteem. My personal feeling is that thoughts and emotions should not be wasted on these kind of people.
Megan said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 03:12 PM
it all depends on who you are standing next to LOL :)
Julz said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 03:01 PM
Everything is going to burn anyway... The Bible predicts people turning against people, nation against nation... Maybe everyone needs a wake-up call and start realizing these earthly things would soon be over. You will stand naked - without "nothing" on Judgment Day - you will be judged according to your own doings.
kaylene said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:52 PM
Respect goes both ways, old and young should respect each other. The elderley shouldnt take advantage and want to be rude to the young, then want respect in return. Most people does think they better than the next just because of their worldly possessions, but I always believe the saying that says "do unto others".One minute you can have it all and it can be taken away from you in a split second!!!!!
Thabitha said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:49 PM
I agree with you. There is nobody high and low people must change their attitude, respect is something that we earn you don't need to be educated to get respect.
Lucretia said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:45 PM
I cannot speak for anyone else, however, when it comes to me and my life, I will treat anyone and everyone I meet with the same kind of POLITENESS as i would like to be treated. However, if you ask me do I respect that person, my answer will be, "I cannot answer that until I get to know them and see for myself if they have qualities worthy of respect" Respect is something one earns, it is not a given right.
Julz said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:34 PM
"Love thy neighbor..." I've never heard of a newborn with attitude, self-righteousness, disrespect, nasty, rude.... Where the mind goes, man follows... It is a CHOICE. What you THINK is a choice, what you DO is a choice, how you RESPOND is a choice.... Chose life.
Corné Romer said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:31 PM
I agree with everybody who said that if you respect people in most cases you will find that you are respected in return.
Nobody has the right to treat anybody in a disrespectful or rude manner. It would be great if everybody one deals with would understand this.
Daniela said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:30 PM
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me, R-E-S-P-E-C-T..."
Robyn said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:28 PM
Everyone deserves respect initially but if you don't return it then I'm not gonna continue giving it to you because then you've proven to me that you don't deserve it.
Bernie said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:22 PM
Everyone has pretty much touched base on what this blog is about. I agree that respect is earned not given regardless of what you have.
Candice said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:22 PM
I for one believe that resepct is given irrepective of who you are,it becomes part of being humble. Resepct is one important qaulity that is part of your make up. Comes down to what you put in is what you get out.
Angelique said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:22 PM
Rudeness is so unnecessary, especially when it turns into sarcasm. Its immature and I think one realises that especially when the other person isn't rude back. Regardless of age, position or status like Megan and Daniela pointed out, there really isn't any reason to be rude. Ofcourse we all have our off days but I think one should try keep to themselves and keep their moodyness to themselves.
Genevieve said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:18 PM
Typing error - should be "elderly".
Genevieve said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:13 PM
Just putting it out there, but think of it this way - you come across an eldery man, who is well dressed, well educated etc. If you found out he was a rapist, would you still respect him because he is older?
Ting said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:09 PM
I agree. One should be humble and modest, be generous towards eachother, respect eachother the way you want to be respected.
Bianca said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:07 PM
I agree to a certain extent that respect should be earned however respect is automatically given if you are my elder. Your standing in life should not however determine the manner in which you treat people, you should be as pleasant as you can be all the time or as often as you can be.
I find that if you treat people well, you only get the same in return and its basically all smiles.
Daniela said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:04 PM
Megan, please read par. 2 of my comment.
Megan said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 02:00 PM
My bad Daniela I miss read what you said
Megan said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:54 PM
Daniela I have to disagree. Everyone is clearly stating that a tertiary degree, wealth or age should not qualify anyone for respect. Respect is earned through the way in which you conduct yourself and has very little to do with how educated you are or how much money you have and age does not qualify someone as respectable.
Each person should be looked at as an individually on their merits NOT on their level of education, bank balance or date of birth.
Julie said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:48 PM
Ahhh, my kinda topic :-) It was awesome to read Michael's view on rudeness and attitude in general. Everyone has an "off" day - this, however, gives you no right to bring it to the office. Your mood reflects on others and a whole, generally happy office, can experience a very shitty day at the office! You spend most of your life at the office. And being much older than most of you, something happened to our youth. They have stinky attitudes, very disrespectful and have very little ambition - this is in general. Many doesn't know what the word "independence" means. They are mothered until 30. Not good. I don't mean this in a bad way and most definitely not aimed at you guys - this is my perspective in general. And those who DO dare to comment.... You are guilty as hell!! Lol. Why do they call it Jolly Season? Festive Season? It should be Freaky Season or something
Daniela said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:43 PM
BE mutual.
Daniela said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:41 PM
There are people that demand respect purely because they are older, purely because they have tertiary education, purely because they are wealthy or for what ever reasons they might have.
At the end of the day, as is the general consensus here, respect is earned and it should my mutual. Respect for one another is the common ground for realtionships to be built on and maintained.
Genevieve made a very valid point, and we must remember, there is a difference between thinking you are "mightier than thou" and standing up for yourself. The latter of which everyone is entitled to.
Jessica said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:36 PM
I agree with Cherise, being nice is so much easier and rewarding than being stuck up and ugly :-) I hate being nasty but also agree with Gen there is a difference between being stuck up and defending yourself.
Genevieve said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:33 PM
Following Alexis' comment, just because you have a degree does not make you better it could just mean that you had better oppertunities. It is all about your way of thinking.
Alexis said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:18 PM
Respect is earned not given automatically just because you have a degree or are pretty or just because you think you should have it. I honestly have no time for them and never will.
cherise said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 01:01 PM
I 100% agree with this, people should learn how to respect all types of people and not treat people accourding to their moods on a certain day.
So it can only benefit one to learn how to have respect for all types of people now, so you dont go through life picking up this bad habits and carrying them over to area's in one lifes-such as the workplace and personal areas in life. as you have said so.
being kind and humble is so much more happier and healthy for your life than being moody anyway.. :-)..ecspecially recieving this treatment in return!
Genevieve said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 12:51 PM
I agree with you. However I do agree with Megan too. Respect is earned and should not be expected purely because of your age, or position. One should remember that there is a difference between being rude and standing your ground, standing up for yourself or what you believe in. When you treat someone as if they are of "less importance" than you, there will be no common ground and this then where conflict arise.
Brenda said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 12:49 PM
Totally agree.... It is rather unfortunate that you do get people who are grumpy, rude and disgruntled all the time and those who basically think the world owes them something.
I really love what you wrote, and i quote.. "I think every person is special in unique and different ways" this is 100% truth, we are all different yes, but we were not designed to be the same.
No one deserves to be treated unfairly and with disrespect as we all have a story to our lives... We all have bad and good parts to our stories, and no one should be judged for who they are.
I believe that people deserve more respect, as no one has the authority to behave in a rude manner, no matter how important you "think" you are.
Jessica said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 12:44 PM
I believe and always have believed that, respect is earned not given, I will respect everyone until they show me no respect then I will not give them the courtesy of respect either. I believe everyone has the right to have their own opinion in life be that they think they beautiful, clever or special so be it if it makes life better for them and makes them happy. I don't believe that one should ever think they are more "highly thought of" than anyone else. As I also believe the only person one should impress is God and he himself says we are all equal, we might not look the same or do the same as others but he see's us as equals and to be honest he is the only one I will ever want to impress or actualy need to impress :-) but being nice is what I was brought up to be and will always be or at least try to be LOL.
Megan said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 12:39 PM
I agree with what has been written in principle. I don't think generalising is really the way to go, I have come across numerous people with over inflated ego's and they did not fall into a specific age group. Respect and courtesy begets respects and courtesy.
Robyn said:
on Thursday 08-Dec-11 12:38 PM
I agree with you. You also tend to take your frustrations out on the wrong people and that is not fair. Everyone's got the holiday feeling and everybody needs a vacation, not just you. Just stay calm.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!